Scheme for I to VIII
(2006 Admission onwards)
NB: For all practicals from semester I & II to semester VII, 50% weightage is to be given
for continuous evaluation and 50% for end semester examination
Semester I & II (Common to all branches)
Code Subject Name Internal/University/Total
101Engineering Mathematics I 50/100/150
102Engineering Physics 50 100 150
103 Engineering Chemistry 50 100 150
104Engineering Mechanics 50 100 150
105 Engineering Graphics 50 100 150
106Basic Civil & MechanicalEngineering 50 100 150
107Basic Electrical Engineering &Electronics 50 100 150
108Computer Programming 50 100 150
109Technical Communication & SocialSciences50 100 150
110Computer Programming Lab 100 100
111 Electrical & Mechanical Workshops 100 100
Total 650 900 1550
Semester III
303Engineering Mathematics II 50 100 150
302 Logic Design 50 100 150
303 Discrete Computational structures 50 100 150
304 Object Oriented Programming 50 100 150
305 Principles of Programming Languages 50 100 150
306 Electronic devices and Circuits 50 100 150
307 Electronics Circuits Laboratory 100 100
308 Object Oriented Programming Lab 100 100
Total 500 600 1100
401Engineering Mathematics III 50 100 150
402 Microprocessors. 50 100 150
403 Computer Architecture & Organization 50 100 150
404 Automata, Languages andComputation 50 100 150
405 Data Structures and Algorithms 50 100 150
406 Data Communication 50 100 150
407 Digital Electronics Laboratory - 3 100 100
408 Data structures Lab - 100 100
Semester V
501Engineering Mathematics IV 50 100 150
502 Systems Programming 450 100 150
503 Software Engineering 50 100 150
504 Computer Graphics 50 100 150
505 Database Management System 50 100 150
506 Microprocessor based System Design 50 100 150
507 Microprocessor Lab - 100 100
508 Computer Graphics Lab - 100 100
Total 500 600 1100
Semester VI
CS 601 Compiler Construction 50 100 150
602 Digital Signal Processing 50 100 150
603 Operating Systems 50 100 150
604 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 50 100 150
605 Control Systems Engineering 50 100 150
606 Computer networks 50 100 150
607 System Programming and Hardware Lab - 100 100
608 Mini Project - 100 100
Total 500 600 1100
Semester VII
701Industrial Organization & Management 50 100 150
702 Advanced Architecture and ParallelProcessing 50 100 150
703 Advanced Computer Networks 50 100 150
704 Distributed Computing 50 100 150
705 Elective I 50 100 150
706 Language processor Lab - 100 100
707 Network and Operating Systems Lab - 100 100
708 Seminar - 50 50
709 Project Design - 50 50
Total 550 500 1050
705 A: Embedded Systems
705 B: Information Retrieval
705 C: Artificial Neural Networks
705 D: Web Commerce Technologies
Semester VIII
801 Security in Computing 50 100 150
802 Artificial Intelligence 50 100 150
803 Object Oriented Modeling & Design 50 100 150
804 Elective II 50 100 150
805 Project Work 300 300
806 Viva-voce 100 100
804 A: Digital Image Processing
804 B: Bioinformatics
804 C: Software Architecture
04 D: Mobile Computing
Total 500 500 1000
Grand Total 3700 4300 8000