FIRST TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2006(model question papers)
Time: 2Hrs Max marks:50
1) a) What is the difference b/w recursion& iteration?
b) Explain control structures in C with eg
c) Write a program to explain recursion
2) a) Define storage class. Explain the different storage classes with eg
b) Write a program to find the nature & value of the roots of a quadratic eqn
3) a) Write a program to read N numbers iteratively & print the biggest & smallest of
these no.s
b) Explain the different categories of user defined functions.
4) a) Explain the following terms with eg
(i) Formal parameter
(ii) Actual parameter
(iii) Global prototype
(iv) Local prototype
b) Write a program to generate Floyd’s triangle
c) Explain type conversion in C with eg
5) a) Define functions.Explain the methods to invoke functions in C
b) Which are the fundamental data types used in C
c) Which are the formatted I/O functions in C?
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