Friday, June 12, 2009


B.Tech Degree I & II Semester Examination, June 2005
Time: 1½ Hours Maximum Marks: 50
I Enumerate various market forms of steel. [Marks 16]
II (a) Explain the workability tests. What are their advantages and disadvantages? [Marks 8] 
(b) Explain the placing and curing of concrete. [Marks 8]
III (a) Explain the situations in which pile foundation is preferred. How are they classified based on material? [Marks 18]
IV a) Sketch the alternate courses of a corner of a brick wall of 1½ brick thick English bond. [Marks 18] 
V a) What is meant by ranging? Explain indirect ranging. [(Marks 8] 
b) What are the different types of obstructions in chain survey? Explain how to overcome them. [Marks 8]
VI The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level:
2.850, 1.250, 3.500, 0.955, 0.600, 1.260, 0.860, 2.200, 0.860
The level was shifted after taking the 3rd and 6th readings. The first reading was taken on a B>M> of R.L. 100.00 m. Calculate the reduced level of all the points and enter the readings in the level field book form. [Marks 16]
B.Tech Degree I & II Semester Examination, June 2005
Time: 1½ Hours Maximum Marks: 50
I a) Explain the following with regard to thermodynamic system:
(1) State
(2) Property
(3) Process
(4) Cycle [Marks 8]
b) 0.02 m³ of air at 600°C and 7 bar expands reversibly and adiabatically to four times its volume. Find (1) the final temperature and (2) the work done. [Marks 9]
II (a) What is Zeroth law of thermodynamics? [Marks 3] 
(b) Give the Kelvin Planck and Clausius statements of the second law of thermodynamics, and prove their equivalence. [Marks 7]
(c) Explain Carnot’s cycle and obtain an expression for the efficiency of a Carnot’s engine. [Marks 7]
III (a) Explain the Brayton cycle and its applications. [Marks 8]
(b) Compare two-stroke and four-stroke engines. [Marks 9]
IV a) Prove that the air standard efficiency of Otto cycle is higher than that of diesel cycle having the same compression ratio. [Marks 10] 
b) What is the function of a carburetor? Describe with sketch a sample carburetor used in petrol engine. [Marks 7] 
V a) Find the saturation temperature, specific volume and specific enthalpy of steam 0.85 dry at 1Mpa. [(Marks 8] 
b) Describe the working of a high pressure Benson boilers. [Marks 8]
VI a)Distinguish between fire tube and water tube boilers. [Marks 4] 
b) Why is compounding needed in steam turbines? [Marks 4] 
c) Describe with sketches a pressure-velocity compounded turbine. [Marks 8]

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